New ADA Rule – State and Local Governments Must Make Websites and Apps Accessible.

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What is digital accessibility and why is it important?

By: Eve Hill Digital accessibility allows people with disabilities to access the same information and engage in the same transactions at the same time as ...

(Un)Fair Labor Standards Act: Fighting to end subminimum wages for people with disabilities.

It is critical that people with disabilities are treated equitably in their communities, including equitable opportunities for fair labor and real jobs. Unfortunately, this equity ...

Mid-year digital accessibility legal landscape: Trends, tips, and predictions.

Digital accessibility lawsuits are not slowing down. And, when coupled with proposed rulemaking on the horizon, organizations across industries should be paying attention to the ...

Fiddling while Rome burns: Celebrating the birth of the ADA while the Supreme Court erodes its protections.

As we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the many ways people with disabilities have made progress toward equality, ...

Not a checklist: Building accessibility compliance into your business processes

By Eve Hill (Link opens new website) Among the top million websites’ homepages, 98% have accessibility barriers, according to WebAIM (Link opens new website). WebAIM ...

Four Years After a Landmark Settlement in Rhode Island, the Fight for Inclusion Continues

By Eve Hill (Link opens new website) and Regina Kline Four years ago this week, on April 8, 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice announced ...

Schools Failing Students with Disabilities – Still

Without integrated education, “Jobs Jobs Jobs” will not benefit students with disabilities By Eve Hill A report released this week by Civic Enterprises and the Everyone Graduates ...

ADA Education and Reform Act

By Eve Hill The House Judiciary Committee could consider the ironically named ADA Education and Reform Act, HR 620, before the end of the month. ...

Criminal Justice Reform and Disability – The Overlooked Opportunity

By Eve Hill Much has been said in recent months and years about the impact of aggressive policing on racial and ethnic minorities. Former President ...