New ADA Rule – State and Local Governments Must Make Websites and Apps Accessible.

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Workforce Development, Innovation, and Opportunity

Mark Riccobono, who is blind, participating in a reduced gravity simulation program at NASA.

We understand the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities and other diverse groups have a seat at the table when it comes to preparing for and obtaining 21st century jobs and opportunities.

Through our work with public entities, non-profits, corporations, unions, and others, we seek to help people with and without disabilities avoid needless and unjustified segregation and find careers that provide avenues of opportunity and advancement, and economic self-sufficiency, providing a better bottom line for employers and communities.

  • We have extensive experience in workforce laws, regulations, and rules that directly impact workers with disabilities and employers.
  • We know how to navigate the new rules that require federal employers and federal contractors to meet the goal of hiring people with disabilities.
  • We have years of experience in advising state systems, including employment service providers, about existing obligations under federal and state law.

Photo credit: Courtesy of the National Federation of the Blind