New ADA Rule – State and Local Governments Must Make Websites and Apps Accessible.

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Author: David Cyphers

It’s Past Time to Give Workers with Disabilities A Raise

Across the country, workers have been rallying for a $15 minimum wage, and for good reason. No one who works full time should live below ...
Computer keyboard with accessibility icons.

Technology Vendor Contracts and Accessibility: What Every Business Lawyer Should Know

The following article by Lainey Feingold and Eve Hill originally appeared in Business Law Today. Read the full version on their website here (Link opens new website).  IN BRIEF ...
Young man with a developmental disability working at a laptop.

Four Years After a Landmark Settlement in Rhode Island, the Fight for Inclusion Continues

Eve Hill and Gina Kline Four years ago this week, on April 8, 2014, the U.S. Department of Justice announced a landmark agreement with the ...

Colleges’ Obligations to Students with Mental Health Disabilities at Risk of Self-Harm

Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), more students with disabilities are attending college, including students with mental health disabilities. In addition, more students ...
Young woman with Down Syndrome working at her computer in an office.

Five Reasons to Hire More People With Developmental Disabilities – Right Now

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and in addition to recognizing the challenges people with intellectual and developmental disabilities face, it’s even more important to ...
Young man with a developmental disability working at a laptop.

Policy Brief: What School Leaders Can Do To Prepare Youth With Disabilities For Work

Inclusivity Strategic Consulting worked with the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) to develop a policy brief for school leaders that provides important information about the changing ...

Department of Justice Withdraws Guidance Documents

On December 20, 2017, the Department of Justice withdrew 25 technical assistance documents from its website, including 10 ADA documents. Importantly, this does not relieve ...
Diverse group of coworkers collaborating at a clear writing board.

Five Strategies for Hiring Workers With Disabilities – And Boosting Your Bottom Line – in 2018 

Eve Hill and Regina Kline New Year’s resolutions are famous for falling by the wayside, but here’s one resolution that shouldn’t: having and keeping a ...
Student at a desk learning sign language.

The School-to-Prison Pipeline at the Intersection of Race and Disability

Testimony of Eve L. Hill Before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights  My name is Eve Hill.  I am a partner with the firm of ...

DOJ Will No Longer Assist Covered Entities in Understanding the Law

In the wake of the 2016 election, we have been seeing federal agencies, such as the Department of Education, announce that they will no longer ...

Inclusivity 101: Q&A with Eve Hill and Regina Kline

How did Inclusivity come about? Coming from the federal government, we saw how the landscape of disability and employment law is changing rapidly, and that ...

It’s Time to Go All-In for Disability Inclusion

At Inclusivity, we know that when people with disabilities are fully included in their workplaces and communities, everyone benefits. As civil rights attorneys, we have ...